I must deviate from fashion for just a minute. Well, maybe actually a few minutes. I know I know, bear with me if you can, there's lots more fashion coming up, don't you worry. I just feel compelled to talk about another subject. One I feel so strongly about. One that affects millions of people in the UK and probably millions more in other countries, although it is this country, our fair old land of Britain, that I want to talk about. It is our roads. Or more accurately, the lack of them.
I'm not for a minute saying we need more. No no no. In fact just the other day my journey to Surrey was interrupted with 'lane widening' on the M25 - just what we need, more lanes! I'm talking about the STATE of our roads. The pot holes, the irritating, unnecessary, bloody annoying, stress-inducing pot holes. There isn't a road I drive down anymore without at least one metre-wide hole that my poor little tyres thump in and out of. WHY??
I'll tell you why, because Boris and the idiots on the transport sector of the government sit on their backsides all day and watch their bucket loads of money get bigger and bigger from all the road tax we pump into them! Ooo I'm getting angry.
We have a total of seven cars in our family. If each one costs approximately £150 per year to tax, that is a total of £1050 per year for all seven cars (remember, that's just an average).That's just ONE family and just ONE year. The amount of money we pay collectively as a country must be astronomical and what are we faced with? Roads that look like a slab of emmental cheese. Hole-ridden and worn. Why can't our road tax be used to fill them in? It's baffling.
I was driving with a friend the other day and I actually screamed when the front of my car crunched into a hole. I'm constantly angry in the car, but I really don't like to be. You're guaranteed that every few yards there will be some sort of trench to maneuver around or over. That is of course unless you have mastered your journey and know when to swerve - you know, just like slowing down and speeding up in between the speed cameras... we all do it, don't try and deny it.
I was driving with a friend the other day and I actually screamed when the front of my car crunched into a hole. I'm constantly angry in the car, but I really don't like to be. You're guaranteed that every few yards there will be some sort of trench to maneuver around or over. That is of course unless you have mastered your journey and know when to swerve - you know, just like slowing down and speeding up in between the speed cameras... we all do it, don't try and deny it.
Please, someone fill me in. What exactly is our road tax money spent on? I know damn sure that it isn't cement mixers and the employment of experts who know how to use them. Or even new road lights for the motorways, but that's a 'hole' other subject. Isn't it time we were treated to smooth roads every now and again?
I hate to be dramatic, but we will soon be finding ourselves in the below situation. It's so frustrating. Really Boris and/or Gordon, it is. Us mere mortals with little cars and little tyres are getting headaches from the thumping.
Rant over. Sorry.
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